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What kind of accreditation or recognition does this program have?
The University of Miami School of Nursing and Health Studies (SONHS) Bachelor of Science in Public Health is currently approved by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools (SACS).  This is currently the only accredited BSPH program in Southeast Florida and one of only two in the state.  The BSPH program received a full five year accreditation from the Council on Education for Public Health (CEPH) in 2018.

What would this degree prepare me to do?
This program’s mission is to prepare undergraduate students for entry-level public health and/or graduate study in public health and related fields.

What areas of graduate study would this program prepare me for?
A BSPH will help students develop competencies necessary for graduate studies in public health, as well as health administration, public policy and related fields.

How many credits do I have to take to fulfill the degree requirements?
Students will fulfill University general education requirements and will take a total of 30 designated core and elective credits, for a total of at least 120 undergraduate credits.

Are there areas I can specialize in within the BSPH?
Although there are no predetermined “tracks” in the BSPH program, students may expand their knowledge and experience of certain public health topics through course assignments, public health electives and practica.

What opportunities for field practice are there?
There are both local and global opportunities for students to apply knowledge and skills from coursework. Students will participate in a culminating practicum experience in which they will be placed with leaders in the field.